How to Reach Decision-Makers and Close Them Today, With Adam Rosen

It's hard to reach decision-makers and book appointments with them...until now

Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast ...

  • Started a successful, acquired tech startup with investor backing.

  • Managed to sell out large real estate developments, even without prior experience.

  • Lead a business that specializes in cold email lead-gen, helping startups book more sales appointments.

  • Have several newsletters under my belt, all with more than 15K engaged readers.

  • Full-time world traveler since 2021 while running his businesses.

  • He used to literally grind it out seven days a week in an office

Related posts

  • “The old days of cold email” refers to 2023

  • AI has changed cold email

  • Squarespace acquired Google Domains in September 2023

  • Bounce rates skyrocketed

  • is a great cold email tool

  • Do not do cold email from your primary domain

  • Create multiple domains with many email addresses

  • He’s using “spintax” to bypass the spam filters

  • Apollo is more for warm emails, while Instantly is more for cold email

  • Email is proactive, targeted, and affordable

  • He got MasterCard as a client from a cold email

  • Sold his first startup in 2019 and knew he was great at generating sales

  • Created a GPT for negotiating AirBnB rates

  • LinkedIn outreach is working well for them but not cold calling, yet

  • Over 50% of their clients come from cold email

  • Referrals are growing, too

  • Under-promise and over-deliver

  • He’s a customer of his own company

  • His best days are when he spends less time on social media

  • When you have a warmed-up domain and a curated list, you can use your main domain

  • It takes about 3.5 emails to book a meeting

  • Don’t get thrown off by a bad reply

  • Send email that is relevant

  • Purpose, Problem Solved, Social Proof, Call-to-Action all should be about one sentence

  • Stop being “over”

  • Details create confusion, and a confused mind says no

  • If you don’t sell, you got nothin’!

  • He’s seeing 50% of his clients coming from cold email

  • Over 1/3rd paid within 24 hours, and many within a week

  • People can and should buy quickly

  • Book short meetings

  • “Let’s dive right in”

  • Share so they share

  • Show pricing

  • No deck…just a one-pager with the pricing

  • Prospects forget details

  • He doesn’t follow up a lot after calls

  • “I like to let buyers buy.”

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast



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