The concierge for sales professionals who use tech to grow.
Unlock $100,000+ in butler perks and discounts

Discover the ultimate membership tailored for professional salespeople, sales managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs who want great deals and support on the best tools to grow with no pressure, hype, or bullshit…ahh…smoke & mirrors.

✅ Dozens of deals ✅ All arranged personally by me ✅ Trusted by thousands in over 28 countries


$Hundreds in bonuses


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HubSpot logo with Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®


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Consider me your CRM & SaaS concierge to help you navigate the crazy tech space of today and even help you negotiate the best deal on ONLY the tools you truly need. 

The CRM Butler by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Your technology is supposed to help, not hurt, your sales...nor your head.

But things get out of hand.

You are juggling CRMs, email marketing, e-commerce, marketing automation, text messaging, direct mail, auto-dialers, voicemail drops, social media, Facebook ads, and a dozen other tools that take on lives of their own.

Or worse, you are just brute-forcing things with Gmail, sticky notes, and spreadsheets.


Logos of companies Wes has worked with over the years

Why Choose Wes and his CRM Butler program?

Wes receives partner of the year at Infusionsoft CRM

You didn't get into business to run yourself ragged with sticky notes, whiteboards, Outlook, and email…or to become a prisoner of software subscriptions...yet here you are.

First, it was a new website...then a few plugins...then it was landing page software...

Then it was SMS tools...then it was social media tools...then it was ticketing/support subscriptions...

Then it was SSL & SEO & CDN & APIs & e-commerce & accounting & email marketing & marketing automation...

And now it's AI and machine learning and...and...and...

Back in 2006, when I started The Sales Whisperer®, I was like you, but worse.

While I had used CRMs as an employee of bigger companies, I didn't know how to choose one for my business.

WordPress was ramping up, but I didn't know how to use it.

I didn't understand web hosting or SEO.

I didn't have a blog, I wasn't running ads, and I was years away from creating most of my social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I didn't have a website or a merchant account, but what I did have was a wife and five kids who needed me to figure it all out, figure it out quickly and affordably, and then use it all to turn a profit.

No pressure!

So I quickly got my "Geek Card," my "Nerd Certification," and ramped up my "B.S. Meter" to full throttle by diving into Zoho CRM (because it was free), then got certified in Keap (Infusionsoft) (because they had a generous, lucrative partner program at the time, and they were the best at their price point for solopreneurs and SMBs), then Ontraport, HubSpot, LeadPages, and many other tools.

Now, after 17+ years of slogging away at this, I know a thing or three about what works, what doesn't, and what pitfalls to avoid to maximize your profits and minimize your headaches.

 Hire The CRM Butler To Make Your Life Easy

 The CRM Butler is not some long, drawn-out thing replete with constant meetings, planning documents, Slack threads, excuses, delays, and upsells.

No way, Jose!

You need...

Your contacts uploaded...

Dashboard laid out...

Pipeline stages created...

Lead capture page and welcome sequence built...

Initial new-client welcome sequence built...

and a few other things.

 This is not an expensive, restrictive, onerous 12-month ordeal, nor is it complex.

 Remember, I'm like you, an entrepreneur and a salesperson.

I don't want a bunch of expensive, bloated, complicated tech to grind my gears and slow down my sales.

That's why I focus on what works and kill off what doesn't, and I do it FAST!

No excuses.

No delays.

No hidden fees or surprise upcharges.

 So why choose me?

That's a fair question.

 Starting in 1994, while still in the Air Force, I began working with databases to streamline the work I was doing.

In 1997, when I left the Air Force, I began using databases and CRMs in sales.

In 2004, I first started working with

In 2007, Dell retained me to help them deploy Salesforce to their 3,000 North American salespeople.

In that same year, I began working with sales and marketing automation tools for my own business, and then I got certified with Infusionsoft/Keap in 2008.

In 2014, I also got certified in HubSpot and Ontraport, and I also work with ActiveCampaignNimble, and more.

In 2012, I wrote "The Definitive Guide To Infusionsoft" and became one of their first Platinum Plus Partners, and, as you see in the picture above, I was the Keap Partner of the Year.

Now, a bazillion years later, I've helped over 2,355 entrepreneurs in at least 29 countries automate, integrate, and dominate their sales, as you can see below. 

Thousands of professional salespeople, sales managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs have been helped by Wes on many CRMs around the world.

In The CRM Butler program, you can also get advice on...

  • iPaaS tools such as Zapier

  • E-Commerce tools such as Spiffy, Stripe, PayPal, WooCommerce, and Revenue Conduit

  • Membership tools such as LearnDash, Memberium, CustomerHub

  • Scheduling tools such as AppointmentCore, Calendly, and TimeTrade

  • Survey tools such as SurveyMonkey, DilogRResponseSuite

  • CRM multipliers such as PlusThis, Macanta, FixYourFunnel, and Novak Solutions

  • Landing Pages such as Instapage, LeadPages, Unbounce, Ontraport, and HubSpot

  • DocuSign

  • And more...

Finally, you can also receive assistance with strategy and content, including...

  • Email sequences

  • Landing page headlines, content, and CTAs

  • Social media marketing

  • Webinars

  • Trade shows and more

Frequently Asked Questions

"How neutral are you? Aren't you an affiliate or partner with platforms like Keap, HubSpot, Ontraport, ActiveCampaign, Nimble, and others?"

To answer the second question first, yes.

I'm an affiliate or partner of many tech tools, and when we work together, if I recommend something, I will ask you to use my affiliate link, but it is merely a request, not a requirement.

However, when you retain me as your CRM Butler, I have a fiduciary responsibility to not only recommend what I think is the best for you but to negotiate on your behalf to get you the best offer from both the service provider and any agency or contractor you retain to support you in the deployment and optimization of the tool.

"Why don't I just find a certified partner of a platform and buy through them?"

You can.

Here's the problem...

When you go to a Ford dealer, they're first going to try to sell you a new Ford.

Then, if you want to spend less, they'll walk you over to the used car lot and try to force you into whatever is on hand, and then they're going to push the extended warranty and gap insurance and rust protection and pixie dust coating and unicorn urine (for supercharging your RPMs) and whatever else they can pile on you.

As your CRM Butler, who has been in the game since 2006 and thrived by shooting straight with my prospects and clients and then interviewing 700+ of them for The Sales Podcast and The CRM Sushi Podcast, the only way I can earn your testimonial and referrals is by helping you find the right tool(s) for you and your goals, regardless the price, and then sitting in on the negotiations with you to get you the best deal possible.

Then, I'll access my ever-expanding Rolodex of service providers, agencies, and consultants to find you the best ongoing help if you need it.

Bloated HubSpot agency quote of $121,974.95 to a small business owner. Many marketing agencies and resellers are just sharks, so enter the CRM waters carefully.

Bloated HubSpot agency quote of $121,974.95 to a small business owner. Many marketing agencies and resellers are just sharks, so enter the CRM waters carefully.

Can you elaborate on "unlimited" help?

As soon as you retain me, you'll have my contact information, and we'll arrange a time to meet.

The initial call will run about 30 minutes as I get to know you, your needs, your capabilities, and your goals.

Then, we dig into what you have now, why you have it, why you want to switch, and what you are considering.

With all of that documented, the search begins.

  • I will review the tools you are considering.

  • I will sit in on demos and negotiations with those vendors.

  • I will research the pros and cons, strengths and limitations of those platforms.

  • Based on your true needs, goals, aptitude, budget, and abilities, I’ll help you pick the best CRM for you and your team.

We will call, email, text, and DM one another as we come across tools and as we have questions.

There are no maximums on emails or calls or texts or meetings.

We work together until we get the tools that will help you meet your growth goals.

What other services do you offer?

I'm a jack of many trades, and after several decades of doing this, I’m a master of many as well, i.e., sales scripting/role-playing/training, copywriting, and marketing.

I can assist you with the creation of taglines/slogans, reports, white papers, nurture sequences, and even scripts for videos and ads.

If it has to do with sales, marketing, goal setting, negotiation, planning, or leadership, I can help you.

Still have questions or concerns?

Talk With Wes For Free About Your Tech Needs

"When we found you, we were looking to implement marketing automation to nurture our prospects, retain our customer base, and free up my time to develop further marketing strategies. We were really pleased with the results, especially...the ability to be up and running with a very complex system in less than a month. As a direct result of working with you, we found that...we were able to get our system up and running smoothly in a short amount of time. We recommend you to anyone who...has specific goals for their marketing automation and wants to pull it together quickly."

Nala Henkel, Currency Marketing

"As a direct result of working with Wes, I began to see what pieces of my marketing strategy needed to be put into place; and most importantly, in what order! I'd been trying to follow the advise of a lot of online marketers, but I was driving myself crazy implementing things that for which I simply wasn't prepared to follow through. We recommend you to anyone serious about building a solid foundation for their business."

Sally Rubin, Park Rubin Media, San Francisco, CA

"When I first bought my business, I was doing most of the things Wes teaches. However, after nearly seven months in business, I found I really needed to refocus my efforts and create a strategy moving forward. Wes has really helped me to create a strategy for not only my own sales but those of future salespeople I intend to hire and focus on growing my business. Wes is helping me get to the point where I can finally work ON my business rather than IN my business."

Bryce Ebeling, Money Mailer of Temecula Valley, Temecula, CA